Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cheap Handheld Metal Detectors

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cheap Handheld Metal Detectors

In this life there are certain things you can skimp on and in the world’s current economic state I strongly suggest that you do just that. I personally buy generic whenever spending more on the name brand is not advantageous enough to be worth spending the extra dollars and let me tell you, that happens a lot. Toilet paper doesn’t have to be name brand so why spend the extra money. Over the Counter medications? Forget about name brand when you are literally throwing your money away on the exact same drugs you are getting in the generic brand. I don’t remember when the last time I bought name brand cereal was and don’t understand why anybody does. Nobody should be drinking soda but if anyone does and they don’t buy generic I am at a loss for words, it’s all just sugar anyway. The price of batteries borders on insane yet so many people choose Duracell or Energizer when there is usually a much cheaper alternative generic battery sitting on the same shelf and at a fraction of the price. Sure the Duracell’s may last a bit longer but is it worth it when the batteries cost almost 3 times as much in some cases?

My point in all of this is that there are some things you can save on and going generic isn’t going to be a matter of life and death. If the paper towels you bought aren’t quite as absorbent as the name brand and it takes an extra towel to clean up some spilled milk is that really going to have a profound impact on anybody? Is it something you are going to spend even a split second pondering over? Probably not.

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What if the product in question is one that could literally mean the difference between life and death? That sounds like a product you would never want to skimp on and handheld metal detectors are certainly one of those products. If there is a concert or sporting event where a substandard security scanning device is being used and it malfunctions, allowing someone with a gun to enter the premises, the consequences could be tragic. Human lives could potentially be lost and there is no price tag on a human life and as such anyone considering holding an event of any kind should absolutely buy only the best when it comes to these devices. Garrett metal detectors, for example, are the handheld metal detectors that professional security, law enforcement and the U.S. military has been using for almost half a century now. That’s a pretty darn good indicator that Garrett is the brand to trust and the one you should use if your guests safety means anything to you whatsoever.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

By Miracle

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